Tuesday, 20 September 2016

OUR HOT SEAT INTERVIEW IS HERE AGAIN - Guys, meet Lailan Adeliae (photos)

Hey guys, a happy new week to you and yours. Welcome to another episode of Hot Seat Mondays though it's coming on a Tuesday!!!

Today we have with us a wonderful Lailan whose intelligence will so warm up your heart. Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to welcome Lailan, Adeliae on our hot seat!

Sit back, relax and enjoy...

  • TILB: Hello Adeliae, welcome to Laila's blog hot seat Monday

Adeliae Thank you.

  • TILB: So can you tell us about yourself

Adeliae: My name is Ogundele Olubukola Mary. I comment with the blog id 'adeliae'. I'm from ilesha in osun state. Presently working in a financial institution. I had my first degree in history & international studies from (UNAD) University if Ado Ekiti. I have a masters degree in industrial and
Labour Relations from University of ilorin.

  • TILB: Wow, that is great. So what of your family. Tell us about growing up

 Adeliae: Growing up for me wasn’t the normal father, Mother and child. I love both my parent beyond words but they are not together.

So l spent my early year with my mom then later my dad's family which was cool but something was missing which have always vowed my future children would live with me and my future hubby because nothing can compare with growing up in the same home as your parent. I so love reading, even as a kid l could always find solace in reading whenever l had things troubling me.

  • TILB: Sorry to hear about that but I'm happy with your outlook in life

Adeliae: Thank You. I do believe the small me is mighty.

  • TILB: You said you love reading, tell me, what type of books do you love and which is your favourite?

 Adeliae: You know what they say about we ladies and romance novel. I love chick lit novels so I smile sometimes when reading. I love like Sophie Kinsella novels like 'can you keep a secret'. Emily Griffin novels like 'Something borrowed' and of course E.L.James Fifty Shades Series. I read Chimamanda Adichie books too. I most especially love Purple Hibiscus.
I read military novels too.

  • TILB: I love to read too. My favorite author is Nora Roberts

Adeliae: So cool.Team Bookacholic

  • TILB: So, what was your dream when you were growing up? What did you picture your adult life would look like?

Adeliae: I wished to be a writer when l was like fifteen. Wrote some stories which I still have in my closet. Dreaming it and the realistic vision is different. Every one dreams of growing up, getting rich, life smiling at you and giving you all your heart desires. As a young girl too I had those dreams until I grew up and realized you have to survive first.

One just have to be persistent in Life. Some people's success story is smooth, everything comes easy while some are bumpy, they have to pass through some huddles. What matters is, one get to that ladder of success too and keep striving to achieve more.

  • TILB: True sister. With the way things are, it's survival first. But I still believe one has to pursue their dreams.

Adeliae: Especially in Nigeria .yes my dreams are still alive. Still intend going back to writing later in the future.

  •  TILB: Don't you think you have gotten to a stage where you can start chasing your dreams again?

 Adeliae: Sure. Just setting some process for the dreams to be achieved.

  • TILB: OK, make sure you tell us when you start. We would love to read your books

Adeliae: Thank you. Laila’s blog Family would be the first set of people to be notified

  • TILB: What other things do you do for fun?

 Adeliae: We all have definitions of what we term as 'fun’, anything that makes me smile from my heart is fun to me. I have few friends. Some set of friends we've been together for a long time because they are just real. Once in a while when we get together its fun. I do love cooking too. Cooking makes me relaxed. I comfortably can spend the whole day cooking for my family.

  • TILB: Cool. When is your birthday?

Adeliae: January 20th

  • TILB: You are working in the financial institution. What do you think about the state of Nigerian's economy? Do you think the government are going in the right direction?

Adeliae: We believe in Change that why we voted for the present government. For me l believe the change will still come. Things are on the higher side now. Almost all commodity have doubled the price in the market. Government needs to step up and bring about Sustainable policies in sectors like our agriculture sector.

  • TILB:  So you believe that Buhari will take Nigeria to the right direction?

Adeliae: Yes I still do

  • TILB: Let's talk about what most male lailans want to know... Your love life. Do you have a special someone?

Adeliae: #smiles. Sure, I do have a very special someone

  • TILB: Awwww... You just broke the heart of the male lailans

Adeliae: Funny u, that’s why ‘very’ is attached to the special someone

  • TILB: What is the most difficult decision you have made in your life?

Adeliae: Letting go of someone I could term my perfect love. Some situations led to me making the decision.  Although it happened years back .

  • TILB: Ouch! but it gave you room for the 'very' special someone.

Adeliae: Yes Yes

  • TILB: what is the most embarrassing moment of your life? 

Adeliae: When I was in my final year in school. My bf then broke up with me few weeks before the exams. As a young guy then he had so many other options. It wasn't funny. I was reading, I wasn't assimilating. When I got to the exam hall, was just looking at the questions. I couldn’t find the answers even for simply ones that l knew since 100 level. The most painful aspect was that, l got home after the first paper and  sent him a text which l asked 'Are you doing the right thing with this’. He posted  what I sent on facebook and asked everyone 'Is this a question'.hmmmmnnn crippling sweet love, I jejely left him to his own after that. I bet he is matured now n he would never repeat such again.

  • TILB: *lol! * We hope he has matured o

Yea, he is.You know Men. Three weeks later he came crawling back.  Just told him to crawl to the next person

  • TILB: Did you read about the guy that publicly broke his engagement online?

Adeliae: Yes l did. that’s not the best option. Breaking your engagement online no matter the circumstance. Both of them once shared something sweet

  • TILB: I think so too. So where do you see yourself in 5 years

Adeliae: 5 years definitely married with kids. Career wise, my dreams which I talked about earlier would be actualized.l intend to be a source of inspiration to people. I see myself living my life in a way that would bring happiness to others

  • TILB: Great plan

 Adeliae: Thanks

  • TILB: What turns you off most?

 Adeliae: Ego

  • TILB: If you are asked to choose between a man that smokes, drinks or a womanizer, who would you pick?

 Adeliae: The smoker

  • TILB: Why?

Adeliae: He could still be reformed, that is if he wishes to. Learnt from people that smokes that its hard to let go. Dating a womanizer is a big No.

  • TILB: Do you agree with the popular saying that all men are cheat?

Adeliae: No, I don’t. The saying goes both ways some men do believe all women are cheat too. There are love so strong that one find it hard to cheat.

  • TILB: So let's talk about the blog. What do you think of Laila's blog

 Adeliae: I so love laila's blog because of her simplicity. It’s like a close knitted family. Everybody is cherished. When one itches to do Something even when one is just waking up, then that thing is loved. That's how l feel about laila's blog and l do love Everyone.

  • TILB: Is there anything you wish the blog could improve on?

 Adeliae: The comment section, it’s gives me issue sometimes. For the blog to grow there has to be transparency in some dealings. The blog is meant for everyone who visit either anonymous or someone with a blog id

  • TILB: So what do you suggest?

 Adeliae: Just want every one to be treated as equal either someone who has being commenting for years and someone who just started commenting.

  • TILB: Which Lailan would you love to meet?

Adeliae: Hmmmnnn That would be Austin, just like his view on issues and the way he comment.

  • TILB : Austin! The ladies man. I'm sure he would love to meet you too.

Adeliae: Ooh! not for that aspect at all. Just a friendly chat.

  • TILB: Emmm, which aspect? I didn't suggest any😝

 Adeliae: Hmmmnnn! Let’s leave it like that

  • TILB : If you say so

Adeliae: Yes

  • TILB : If you have the opportunity to be the president of Nigeria for a day, what is the first thing you would do?

 Adeliae: My first priority would be Poverty alleviation which will be a hard thing to do without empowering  people to set up small scale business, battling corruption, getting rid of unemployment syndrome. Just to mention a few. It's all interwoven.

  • TILB : We should elect you as president😃

Adeliae: If Its God will for me

  • TILB: What is your favorite saying?

Adeliae: Have said it earlier 'Living my life in a way that will bring happiness to other'

  • TILB: Is there any advise you would love to give fellow readers especially in this difficult time?

Adeliae: Just be persistent, just like water it will soon pass. We will soon see the 'CHANGE'.

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